(It is not so excellent to know Latin, as it is a shame not to know it.)
— Cicero
The LatinStudy List
LatinStudy is an open mailing list dedicated to the study of Latin, including Classical, Medieval, and Neo-Latin authors. Both beginners and experienced Latinists will find something of interest here.
Basic Information
The LatinStudy list is shared by multiple study groups. There are typically several levels of beginners' groups as well as advanced groups translating passages from, say, Caesar or Vergil, and some composition groups reviewing grammar. A coordinator sets the group's agenda, then collects and collates assignments. These collations, or side-by-side listings of each group member's answers or translations, are posted directly to the list for discussion.
Most questions are answered by the other list members, not necessarily those in your study group. This mix of experience levels, where people switch between the roles of student and instructor, makes the list a particularly effective learning environment and contributes to a sense of community.
The weekly activities posting gives a current snapshot of the active study groups.
Use the LatinStudy subscription page to subscribe, unsubscribe, or manage your subscription options. Subscription problems should be addressed to latinstudy-owner@quasillum.com.
You may join or drop a study group at any time, or you may lurk on the LatinStudy list indefinitely. If you are interested in participating in a particular group, send email to that group's coordinator for more information.
Introductory LatinStudy Groups
Wheelock's Latin is the textbook of most of our introductory Latin groups, although nothing prevents a group from using a different textbook. Over the years we've developed much Wheelock-specific material, including an FAQ on how a Wheelock-based introductory group operates, and a formatting convention used by the coordinator's collation software.
Advanced LatinStudy Groups
Take a look at the weekly activities posting to see what translation or grammar review groups are in progress.
Online Sources of Latin Texts and Textbooks
The Perseus site is a treasure trove of Latin and ancient Greek texts, including a sophisticated online dictionary. The Latin Library is a large repository of original Latin texts, ranging from early Latin, through Classical and Medieval, to Neo-Latin.
Textkit is a bulletin-board based approach to learning Latin and ancient Greek. Textkit also has a supply of downloadable, public domain textbooks in PDF format.